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    Andrew Garfield is pretty amazing in Boy A. I can't recommend the movie enough. He plays a child who kills another child and is being released from the UK equivalent of Juvee. He is phenomenal. I can't imagine he won't be better than Tobey Maguire.

    The trailer makes it seem like a Channing Tatum romance movie. Which I doubt it is. Can't see Soderbergh making that type of film. They probably are marketing as a Channing Tatum romance because those movies make tons of money.

    Fast Five was satisfying. I don't think anyone is calling it a mastepiece. I just get the vibe that Prometheus is being hyped too much. I love Fassbender but Ridley Scott has made a lot of mediocre movies as of late.

    Last year was not bad in terms of blockbusters. X-Men First Class, Fast Five, Harry Potter, Rise of the Planet of the Apes all were excellent. If this year has 4 great ones it would be surprising. Beyond Avengers and Dark Knight Rises I don't see any sure things. Prometheus could be but I have a sneaking sense its

    Andrew Garfield is a helluva an actor. So I'm optimistic.

    Short Answer: Yes

    I have a friend whose conservative Indian parents rented it for a family movie night thinking it was a Robin Williams family comedy. The auto-asphyxiation masturbation scenes were a bit of a shock.

    So like any Seth Rogen screenplay I assume the friends are going to have a falling out in the third act?

    People would still work. Just different people. If they cancel Community they are going to replace it with another show with its own writers, cast, and crew. There are a lot of good reasons for not canceling Community. Not sure of your reason is one of them.

    I would expect the back half to be aired in the winter of 2013 so they can get two batches of award nominations and wins. If it returns before May or June they can only be eligible for one year of awards.

    Dude you were raped

    @avclub-dbfa1f49a6e94eeb43c75d9c0ea34803:disqus The whore line was more a bit of exaggeration. It was in reference to some stuff in prior episodes. Like the boyfriend stealing Hannah mentioned, having children by different fathers line, and the super quick hook-up with the phone guy.

    American Slang takes time to enjoy. I think The 59' Sound is by far their best album but American Slang isn't bad. Its not as great as The 59' Sound but it isn't a poor album by any stretch. It had "Old Haunts" which is one of my favorite Gaslight songs

    No I don't believe that at all. I think its the exact opposite. Most of the time acts that are popular are popular for a reason. I was just trying to say that The Gaslight Anthem would no longer be some band I like that no one else does. Its hard to describe. I was an early adopter so I'm a little uncomfortable with

    Elsie is a wonderful album. I think 35 might be an overestimation though. There are like 4 reviews on Amazon. And I wrote 1 of the 4.  Anything Fallon is a part of is must buy for me.

    Its only a matter of time before they breakthrough. I'm ambivalent on it. I want them to be successful but its kind of bittersweet too.

    I fucking hate Jessa. She is just a bland, conceited whore. I don't know why anyone would like her. It doesn't help she is clearly going to homewreck too.

    The Gay Ex was a scene stealer. He reminded me of the pre-gay kid from Curb. I loved him. But he was pretentious as hell and kind of a douchebag.

    How many macho Don Draper esque guys exist in the art world? I think he was a quasi-celeb of some sort so maybe his lines work because of that?

    Do you think they should go for diversity at expense of realism? There is limited diversity in the specific sub-culture they are portraying. I kind of feel like those complaints about race are like complaining that there are no Asians in a Civil War Movie. It doesn't make sense.