
1) I feel like Brody's so broken at this point (you can see it in his eyes) that I fear he will take his own life. And that would be an awful but also poignant/graceful exit.
2) Estes is a prick.
3) SUP GODFATHER, aka Lt. Col. Ferrando, aka Chance Kelly.

1) I feel like Brody's so broken at this point (you can see it in his eyes) that I fear he will take his own life. And that would be an awful but also poignant/graceful exit.
2) Estes is a prick.
3) SUP GODFATHER, aka Lt. Col. Ferrando, aka Chance Kelly.

Yeah, Carrie was awesome.
But the range of emotions Damian Lewis/Brody's face went through in that last part after Carrie walked in the door of his room was electrifying.

Yeah, Carrie was awesome.
But the range of emotions Damian Lewis/Brody's face went through in that last part after Carrie walked in the door of his room was electrifying.

What bothers me is that they even did it. 
Not that I know anything about this but…slap on the wrist for Lebanon?
What would happen as a result of this disregard of diplomatic bag immunity?

What bothers me is that they even did it. 
Not that I know anything about this but…slap on the wrist for Lebanon?
What would happen as a result of this disregard of diplomatic bag immunity?

I was about to say something about his mad Quaker skills.
Then I remembered, he's not a Quaker.

I was about to say something about his mad Quaker skills.
Then I remembered, he's not a Quaker.

Came here to mention the Anderson-esque-ness. It has been done in my stead. And definitely agree with PG (down there) about the Salinger undertones. Creepy Glen got less creepy and is now more of a dry wit.

Came here to mention the Anderson-esque-ness. It has been done in my stead. And definitely agree with PG (down there) about the Salinger undertones. Creepy Glen got less creepy and is now more of a dry wit.

thank you!

Did anybody notice this name in the opening credits? "Rene Auberjonois"? I did, so where's Odo? I don't recall seeing him in the episode. And it's not on IMDB. 
Also — love seeing Carrie hold herself back emotionally and put all of that into her work.

Call me a bleeding heart or conversely blame it on the fact that maybe the writers won't give the viewers at home the benefit of the doubt. Sometimes things have to be telegraphed or staged in an over the top way so that it beats the viewer over the head. 
The way I chose to interpret the storyline is this: we have

Two things about the show bother me: 1) I don't feel any sort of proper chemistry between Morena Baccarin and Damian Lewis, she falls flat almost every time. Almost cringe worthy, especially in the back of the Limo near the end when she's telling him he showed her a good time. Perhaps this speaks more to the

I was basically ready to cry like Brody by the end of this episode.
Lewis is magnificent.

I like that it could be ambiguous. He's either turned, or he's just taking solace in the one thing that might bring some sort of inner peace while he's being held. (they're totally stockholm syndrome-ing him)

um, who else totally called the praying to mecca thing when he was feeling carpets at the hardware store? 
also — Damian Lewis plays conflicted/PTSD in such a fragile yet menacing way, it breaks my heart, he seems incredibly strong, yet so so small and young at the same time

I don't understand
…why Debbie is such a jealous bitch?
She's the one who left Alcide in the first place to be with "Cooter" and then when he actually TAKES HER BACK and constantly reassures her that he's there for her, she doesn't trust him.
Yes he goes to help Sookie, but that's b/c Sookie constantly needs help.

not enough lines this episode, NOT ENOUGH
and I want her and Erik to speak in Swedish more, NAO

I hope they save her — she is one of the most interesting characters on the show.