Junge Amick

Comments sans frontières?

One of my biggest problems I have with Lennon (other than the reasons already stated) is that unless you genuinely are interested in him as a person, or agree with whatever world view he was on at the moment, there really isn't that much appeal in his solo output at all. I could appreciate him more if he had more I Am

I think he would have made like Neil Young and actually have supported Regan initially for his family values, only to denounce him as the decade went on.

Oddly, the Wishbone version of Finnegan's Wake was pretty close to the source material…

Holy shit! Someome else knows about Father Son and Friends!

I'm a man of my principles. I will never begin a sentence with the words: "As a taxpayer…" and I will never wear a pair of plaid shorts.

Or how everyone loves The Cable Guy and Bill Murray's 90s movies all of a sudden?

Did Tina Belcher dabble in this genre?


First I had an American girl, she was daft and lazy

When I saw The Avengers, I laughed out loud the moment he appeared on screen, and was the only one in the theater to do so.

And while the quality isn't great, here's a cool lecture at a college that he and Frank Oz gave a year before he died: http://www.youtube.com/watc…

Good timing, I've been revisiting a lot of his work over the past few weeks, and taking a look at things that I missed the first time around (like Fraggle Rock). What really fascinates me is how much he did accomplish, especially in the 80s when you consider he was always had some TV show in the works, and fairly

1. Steal underpants
2. …
3. Profit

And if you stayed up late enough, you might get to see an Andy Sidaris movie with blurred out boobs!

Militia man: "I heard Count Dracula was a fag! You don't have to believe me, but that's the facts!"
Mike: "Suddenly, I miss my dad…"

Its a Gary Neuman cover. Another good track.

And I was just hoping for dialogue from the phone booth scene in Rain Man…

Songs in the Key of X was one of the first albums I listened to (not a firstie). I always liked the Soul Coughing version, and the album was where I got turned onto both alt-rock (the Meat Puppets track Unexplained is a good tune) and metal (the Alice Cooper/Rob Zombie collaboration Hands of Death is pretty keen.)

That image is a caption contest waiting to happen…