Junge Amick

YES on the Meat Puppets.

Bruce Springsteen?

Hi. I'm in Delaware.

Problem is that most of the writing of the old mythology exaggerates things to a knowingly absurd proportion (like size, scale, deeds, etc.) that it would be pretty impossible to get a lot of things right.

Glasses or beards?

What always got me was the one swing moving

My friends put on the Leprechaun one for my Irish girlfriend once. Spent the whole episode with my face in my palm.

Wait a minute, there's a trick here!

I'd lick her Mudhoney.

Maybe something from The Cure's Bloodflowers? Something like Maybe Someday always brings to mind rolling, green landscapes.

Barrett's Privateers wouldn't be your pick, then?

I'm from Milwaukee as well, but I think the state of Wisconsin needs something a little more European sounding and something kind of goofy but menacing all the same. I nominate Hocus Pocus by Focus.
Tom Waits' Cold Cold Ground is another good choice for the state, but in regards to the city of Milwaukee itself, I'd go

Good Ol' Freda…how I hate her!

Ringo knows something's going on…

I made myself sad now.


It was Glory for me. In grade school, no less