He's becoming the hung man's Michael Caine.
That's what Kennedy did.
How much longer does this movie need to be? Didn't we just watch it?
RAPES - When Man Crossed Apes With Rapists
You hit my dick, unmanned drone!
B _ T T L _ S H _ P: T H _ M _ V _ _
Wait, was the Monopoly movie released and I missed it?
New X-Men
I enjoyed GM's run on New X-Men, felt it was an injection of life in an otherwise flagging title/franchise/idea. Then he said he's not as much a fan of the Marvel characters as he is the DC stable, saying the DC guys were more likely to have a picnic together than they would fight one another (as is the…
He may be referring to the original Surfer series, which ran 18 issues, but 9 of which were shared with Tales of the Watcher stories? I think they became all Surfer-issues with issue 9.
Morrison spoke to that at his B&N appearance last week, saying he was pleased with how it was divided into its component parts. He said something similar to what Moore has said multiple times about how some projects are meant for one medium but not for others, but he say he was pleased with how the movie turned out.
He bit a radioactive urinal cake.
Black Taco. Yum!
Current "It" Girl as Sexual Fantasy Fake Super-Person.
From my new musical: METH
2 things
Yay for Prince of Darkness love, WYMM. Always scares the pee-pee out of me, but I can't turn away when it's on.
I am old.
You gotta be fucking kidding me.