
That's my question. Why don't they just send a letter explaining succinctly what their product or service is and how it might fit well into their business? There's a much greater chance that I will read the letter than I will listen to a stranger asking me "Does that sound fair?"

I know, I couldn't believe it when it came back from commercial and there she was talking away. C'mon, really?

Darlene too.

Oh, I get it now, you're a professor!

You sound like a fun guy.

You described very well exactly how I feel about the show. I was terrifically disappointed after this episode. It's hard for me to maintain my high admiration for Sam Esmail when I feel like he's manipulating the viewers and almost making fun of us.

I also think he's gonna get ultra-murdered, but not by Whiterose, it will have to be Tyrell because of the way he mocked Tyrell when he fired him.

You sure do seem certain. How do you know she was born a biological male? Couldn't it be equally true that Whiterose was born female and likes being female but also likes presenting as a male in some scenarios when it comes to asserting power and authority? That's what it looks like to me, female in private, male in

Well, you summed it up for me. Great description of Season 2. I'll never fall out of this show because of the style, but I don't even want to put my mind to all the new questions raised in tonight's show.

There was a point in this episode where I said I hope there's not going to be a third person in Elliot's mind. Maybe you thought that at the same time.

Is the plant manufacturing stuff needed for nuclear bombs? That's why it could lead to World War III?

I also have to give it a B. Disappointing after last week's A+. But I'm certain Esmail's going to crank it back up again. This review calls it oblique. Another review called it obtuse. The cliffhangers have gotten out of hand. Elliot/Mr. Robot was far and away the star of Season 1. This season I'm finding

Oops, I just read your comment which is a much better expression of what I was trying to say above.

For my part I wouldn't be able to binge watch this show because I have to rewatch each episode just to take in the dialogue that I missed or couldn't hear, the music that I need to hear again, and all the style dynamics that Esmail pours into it. So I guess I would say I wouldn't binge watch a show that I have to

That was my only real problem with this episode. There's no way he would leave his laptop open like that. Jeez, don't all boyfriends know it's best to log off and shut down or, even better, my boyfriend leaves his laptop in the car which I'm really glad about. Sometimes he leaves his phone there too, another good

I'm actually planning my rewatch. Because I think I saw an A episode tonight. And there are all the subtle cues in design to consider. It has to be seen twice.

I knew in the first 20 minutes I'd have to rewatch it but then it got comprehensible and I was cheering for Mobley and horrified about Darlene.

I think there's a lot of life in this series and they might be able to dedicate episodes to various characters. That would be fun. Like Lost.

I know, at one point I said wait, her dad? and then I had to remember that Mr. Robot was her dad too.

On the edge of my seat too. Can't wait to watch it again but nothing beats seeing it tonight.