Magdolene Lives

I'm not going to scroll through to see if anyone's made this point already, but Wanda was a trans* female, not a "female impersonator". A "female impersonator" would've been "Vixen La Bitch" from The Kindly Ones (played by Hal, Rose Walker's one-time roommate). There's a huge difference between the two.

I'm not going to scroll through to see if anyone's made this point already, but Wanda was a trans* female, not a "female impersonator". A "female impersonator" would've been "Vixen La Bitch" from The Kindly Ones (played by Hal, Rose Walker's one-time roommate). There's a huge difference between the two.

Testify, Swamp Stomp. RIP indeed.

Nicely done, 20SidedDie.

Hmmm. Excellent point, Goldmeister, about universal health care.

In my previous comment, I meant to say
"While I'm aware that being anti-choice (or 'pro-life') and pro-capital punishment is not an uncommon stance" rather than a common stance. Not that that much has much to do with your comment, Jeff, but I wanted to clarify.

I think a bumper sticker I saw once summed it up best:

He revealed he's supporting John McCain and that he's pro-life but anti-death penalty (an interesting contradiction in terms) which is apparently how he truly feels and not a comedic shtick, according to his friend Artie (ugh) Lange. This happened on January 2nd, 2008 while filling in for Dennis Miller on his slot on

"He always seemed like a self-impressed slaked asshole who wasn't as smart as he thought he was. He also seems like a creep who would call someone "fag" or some racial epithet and not in an ironic way."

"He looks like he should be a baseball pitcher in the 70s"

Menopause? Really? She's not even forty yet. Please don't make me picture her releasing an album during those years providing Entertainment Weekly with the opportunity to use the pun "hot flash".

….Does this mean I can no longer indulge in crassly referring to stupidity as "asshattery"? That was really the only time I used asshat, so I feel I should be allowed to keep it.

Seconded strongly. Now it's a fact.

Girls and Sports
You know, I kinda see it as the same sort of parody as The Onion's editorial cartoons. But realizing it's actually supposed to be funny since "Yuk yuk! Look at the sexes! They sure are different! Yuk!" is nothing less than horrifying. It's kind of sickly fascinating how such a strip can be produced,

It has, but it's worth repeating. One of the best strips out there, and I actually laugh when reading it. Imagine.

Sorry, I couldn't resist. Thank you! But as I understand it, rentals (such as Netflix) and DVD sales are a big part of what writers are trying for a piece of, since the contracts in 1988 obviously didn't take that into account and neither did the execs 'cause most are, you know, scumbags. At least the ones that are

Dear God, I don't think I can handle the onslaught of horrible television until June (when the writers' strike is rumored to be settled according to most sources). I don't watch it in the first place, but somehow even having knowledge of it's existence in any form makes my soul weep (not easy for an intangible

Read his "Sandman" series. Brilliant~! It's not only some of the best in the "graphic novel" genre, it's some of the best, period.

The Longest List
This list could go into the hundreds (I have my own special loathing for the cases of White Oleander and Girl Interrupted). What would be more interesting I think would be "20[or so] Great Movies Taken from Not-So-Great Books". Far harder to do. I recommend Forest Gump, though, for a start.

Assuming you were asking (there was no question mark), I was referring to many members of the media, including, as I mentioned, Tucker Carlson. But I thank you for your concern about the company I keep, Mr/Ms/Dr Pig.