
I bought Tulsa in the mid 80s; in the bookstore next to it was his other book at the time, Teenage Lust. Wish I had bought both; the books went for like $20 back then and the latter in particular goes for in excess of $500. Snapped up his Los Angeles book recently; I'm sure it will soar in value too.

His The Wayward Cloud revolves around themes of water as well. It's also got nutty musical sequences and tons of nudity. I recommend it, despite a somewhat disturbing ending. I've had What Time is it There on DVD on the shelf for a couple months and still need to watch it.

Now, a warning.

She's amazingly sexy, amazingly intelligent… gah she's a total favorite of mine. But while I like Track 29, saw it in the theater, and love Roeg's 70s pictures, I sorta wish she had married Brian De Palma instead. Can you imagine Blow Out with Theresa Russell rather than Nancy Allen? Oh well.

Wrong on that one.

The place to start with Mae West is "She Done Him Wrong" and "I'm No Angel", both of which pair her with a very young Cary Grant. Both movies are hysterical.

I was going to comment on the "never be okay" statement as well, as that knowledge is what ultimately led me to abandoning hope of things working out with my friend. But whether or not his condition was a result of his early experiences or other problems I can't really say.

Ok, I'll comment on my own stupid post. He was 13, not 8, but said he was "having sex" with older men at that point, and not molested. Still seems like a very young person was taken advantage of though. Maybe I should just watch the damn movie and the whole story will bother me less.

My friend
Whenever I post a comment, which isn't often, it's at the end of a million others, not that I expect any kind of meaningful reply… but I fell in love with a guy (yes I'm gay) who told me after knowing him for a while that his story matched this film by 80%. Hearing that broke my heart. I'll probably never

I had both these on LP, and spent too much money on Japanese CD reissues only a few months ago. I actually think "Creatures" is better than the debut, but no biggie. Sorta Elton John-ish, too; most of the songs are piano-based. If he had more time to work on his act he might have ended up a bit better, clearly

Here's my confession: I never liked Husker Du. I graduated high school in '85, had 3 or 4 of their records, and always disliked them. I guess I liked a couple of the songs, mostly the Grant Hart numbers. Bob Mould, to me, had the worst singing voice I'd ever heard. He was hailed THEN as a great songwriter. I