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    "Do Not Burn Marshmallow"? I call bullshit on that S'Mores recipe.

    Wait, Donna Noble gets the Companion Reclamation award? I can understand that, but I'd cast my vote for Clara as her growth from "*Gasp* Impossible Girl!" to how she ended last season (i.e actually having a personality and being an interesting character) is a pretty impressive change.

    "At this point, I’m not sure there’s any logical identity for who’s in the vault that isn’t the Master. Only real question is whether the Master in there looks like John Simm or Michelle Gomez."

    I just heard that ABC bought a time loop show.

    That just means that Michael Cera is still in the running to be the next Doctor.

    I thought Josh gave up an eye as well. I could have sworn I saw he was missing the opposite eye as Margo when they returned from the fairy realm.
    It could also very well have been that Josh's face was pixelized, though, as I don't have a great internet connection.

    Oh, I thought it was "Blank Space", which also would have been apt.

    The song Major was singing was Katy Perry's immortal hit "The One That Got Away".

    There is no why. Julia's test score was the exact same as it has been in every other timeline, and going off of her test scores alone she would have been accepted into Brakebills in this timeline.

    Actually the Denver International Airport is a tool for a race of subterranean lizard people who imprison children to mine gold. OPEN YOUR EYES SHEEPLE.

    Yes, it is a bearded dragon, and so therefore technically a dragon. And only in the close ups of Richard's song was the true lizard/dragon used, otherwise it was a doll/toy (specifically when he's prancing around the bridge making Tad Cooper roar).

    Am I forgetting a plot development or shouldn't Finn still be afraid of the Ocean?

    I have a few nitpicks, most of them having to do with personal preferences. But first one that shouldn't be a personal preference: Buster Keaton doesn't get at least an honorable mentions? OK, Kubrick beats him out (although, again personal opinion, but Kubrick doesn't know how to end movies. A few exceptions

    We were so close to having a Clyde appearance. His terrarium was right in the middle of the scene in Joan's apartment. THEY ONLY NEEDED THE TURTLE FOR A FEW HOURS THAT DAY! ONLY A FEW HOURS!

    "Drive Faster, Grandma! Grandma's gaining on us!", from the ever popular blockbuster "Too Many Grandmas" in "Burns, Baby Burns".

    You missed Stewart, also known as "The Duck that works at the Nuclear Plant".

    I'm not sure this was the best idea.

    You can't take away Steven universe without covering Cat Fingers! That would be horrible and cruel!

    Gloria Gaynor "I Will Survive". Especially if GWAR covers it.