
Hey, don't knock Primatech Monthly
Their fun food tips for the unlikely entertainer are fantastic. Obviously the financial planning section has been proven wrong, but fuck it all the last page sudoku is hard.

The question is not whether people talked like that general but whether some did and do, and yeah. Hell, I know people that talk like that today. It's all affectation, trying to sound intelligent and important, but instead express train to Douchville.

For shame, Doc, tryin' to shoot a rabbit with an elephant gun.

I thought it was Pete holding his Chip N Dip special, which has been visible on and off since he bought it.

Oh yeah man, going back to loyalty, he fucking deserted his dog, by definition pretty much the most loyal creature on the planet. Huge turning point in our perception of him, and in hindsight a rather brazen foreshadowing to his utter lack of character.

Betty thoughts
I'm writing reams tonight, but there is just so much to digest here.

See, that's weird, because I don't feel bad for the guy, and to me, a huge arc this season is about fidelity. Peggy has hers because Don helped her in the hospital. Bert is loyal to Roger because of promises to his father. Don wasn't loyal to his wife and made a mess of things, but sincerely (maybe) tried to make

A few thoughts
First off (not attempting a firstie, just organizing, plenty of posts above me, so save your scorn for the more deserving), I don't think that Don's praise of Pete was the only reason for his sudden display of loyalty. I think it is in part because of Peggy, and Pete's newly realized respect for her.

And I'm an umpire!
Now I crush you!

I'm not worry. I fucking hate Oprah, but the fact that she's guest starring says to me that the show isn't going anywhere.

but I learned that word in grad school! oh wait

everyone knows it's windy
I see Windy people.

It was a joyous, transcendent episode that I look forward to watching again in hi def next week. Jack's return is perfect.

Day shift at the graveyard and the graveyard shift at the Days inn.

sorry off topic but 30 rock premiere is up early on NBC site
I was weak and watched it. And I'd do it again.

the camera/mockumentary
My opinion is that it's ok so long as they don't call attention to it like they did tonight. Then it becomes overly ridiculous that multiple crews would ride in Jim's car, and stay at the auction, etc…

Definitive Lines Thread
My favorite was:

Is Sasha Fierce also offended by the use of bootylicious?
I need to know so as not to offend.

Gotta hand it to Disney
They didn't invent the concept of the sluttily-dressed-yet-wholesome virgin, but they have definitely turned it into an art form.

You'd think it was going really well, but honestly it's a mixed bag.