
I guess they do, because all the bows in the concerts I've seen are pointed in the same direction.

Not a plot point, but a tipsy Thomas does remark upon it loudly.

Since we apparently all have Amazon Prime, we can stream or download all kinds of free music, including classical.

You could stop reading.

What's becoming clear to me is that Hailey is really falling for Rodrigo. In the final scene of episode 7 she was tender beyond just concern for a good friend. In this episode, we find she now has his picture on her cell phone, rather than just the name. And Hailey was not inspired to take a leap with Alex, as the

I totally agree with Vikram about this episode. I've watched all the other episodes several times, but I can't face this one even a second time. The Thomas story was particularly tedious. In fact, Thomas is pretty tedious. The scenes with him are all so slow. Maybe because they're too long. We know his issue, now

As Joe said, Rodrigo's intensity can be unsettling.

Well, Rodrogo did say he wanted to ask Alice some questions, and this photo looks like he forgot what they were! It's a "caption this picture" joke.

I don't remember him from "Babel," so this is like the first time. He is amazing in this role - every nuance is perfect!

Wait till the next episode when he makes a $300,000 bet!

I agree, but I really loved the final episode! Can't wait until next season! (When is that?)