the voice of raisins

Man, your troop was whack

Fun Fact: There is a Boy Scout "Motorboating" merit badge.

They were mostly 11-17 year old boys. Most of them had literally no idea why they were cheering.

Tillerson is the former national president of the BSA. At least he knew.

I've been watching Ken Burns' Civil War series, and man, am I glad it's not 1863. Seriously, if you want to appreciate how far we've come, even with the current … unpleasantness, hours and hours of footage of mangled civil war corpses should just about do it.


You can see how it's done at the end of O Brother, Where Art Thou? Really it wasn't usually much more than an uncomfortable ride through town on a piece of wood or metal. I get the feeling that in this case, the rail was accidentally dropped on him or something while he was being dumped off.



Oh, I definitely don't have a problem with this kind of approach to journalism. Hell, I read 538 all the time, and this website actually looks really cool. I just take issue with it being compared actual academic research.

He would be in a touchy situation even if there was no push for a healthcare bill, but as long as he thinks it is going to fail, he has no real reason make it easier for himself to get primaried.

Heller is in a particularly touchy situation because he's up for re-election in 2018 in an increasingly blue state. If he comes out clearly against it, then McConnell will load up the bill with targeted amendments that look bad for him to vote against and are really easy to make campaign ads about.

Overruling the Parliamentarian would be a disaster, and unless McConnell has serious dirt on everyone (like House of Cards level dirt), there's no way they can get the votes. I've also heard that there's been a quite revolt against McConnell the past few days, with senators chaffing under power that is so

It definitely is. Conflating this sort of project, thoughtful and interesting though it might be, with actual academic research subjected to peer review and conducted by people with specialized knowledge and trained to make coherent arguments that stand up to intense scrutiny devalues science.

That's not so impressive when you are shooting your own feet.

Listening to the new guy's presser now, and I already like him even less than Spicer. These are literally words he just said: "the President has really good kharma, and the world turns back to him."

I don't know if you can really call it a solo, because it's probably only about two dozen notes, but Keith Moon's intro to I Can See for Miles is just freaking perfect, providing the sort of driving energy that is necessary to power that whole song.

RyanAir is so cheap that I can only conclude its planes are held together with rubber bands.

Hey, AVClub, as interesting and thorough as this article is, referring to it as a "study," a term typically reserved for academic papers or analyses produced by government agencies, is misleading and implies a level of scrutiny that was probably not applied in The Pudding's editorial process.

It was a name (from the French "Guy," from the Germanic "Guido"/"Wido") before it just meant any random dude. The usage as a casual term for a man originally referred to anyone, man or woman, who was shabbily dressed, like the effigies made to be burned on Guy Fawkes Day celebrations.