the voice of raisins

The second sign of the Kinjacolypse.


Clearly there was no energetic cost imposed for motions that served no purpose. If it didn't make me exhausted I'd fist pump with one arm and make giant circles with the other all the time, too.

But Lisa is supposed to follow Trump.

That's great! Maybe just a weird stomach bug or something?

Would you settle for Al Franken?

I don't know if it's right to say Reagan was evil, as from what I understand he was pretty hands off and not particularly intellectually engaged with policy. But the people who worked for him knew what they were doing, and many of them were pretty awful and hard right, even with the conventional economics and social

Many of the ones that would turn on him already have. The ones that haven't have dug themselves such a deep hole that there is virtually nothing that would make it politically advantageous for them to turn on him. The smart ones (McCain, Graham, Sasse, to an extent and more recently Rubio) saw this coming, and have

Trump is a fundamentally different thing, though. He barely even has a pretense of an ideology.

Depends on what the definition of "some" is.

"What is this salty discharge!?!"

No, because you have two separate pieces of crust. Maybe if you just had one folded slice that could be a taco, although I am of the opinion that tacos require tortillas, otherwise we'd have to call gyros tacos, and that's just madness.

technically food is the best kind of food

food: noun, often attributive \ˈfüd\
a : material consisting essentially of protein, carbohydrate, and fat used in the body of an organism to sustain growth, repair, and vital processes and to furnish energy; also : such food together with supplementary substances (such as minerals, vitamins, and condiments)
b :

So you're telling that Italian sausage sandwiches and meatball subs are not a sandwiches, but a slice of pizza that is turned over on top of another slice is?

It is dubious, and is the primary reason I question John Hodgman's credentials as a fake internet judge of sandwich disputes.

the bottom

hot dog: noun, \ˈhät-ˌdȯg\
Frankfurter; especially : a frankfurter with a typically mild flavor that is heated and usually served in a long split roll

You can tell by the trenches, planes, and old cars. I thought making it WWI was clever for several reasons: Aries would have had to be Hitler if it was WWII, which would have forced the whole thing to be much more exaggerated and obvious. WWI was a much more morally ambiguous conflict, which allowed for the movie's