the voice of raisins

If you are really that concerned about it you should listen to her actual statement on the issue, rather than my paraphrasing of it. I can't remember her exact words. Also you are basically saying that because the original version of this movie had a slave character, it can't ever be remade, even without that

Coppola did a recent WTF episode where she basically said – and I'm paraphrasing – that she felt that the dynamic between the slaves that were present in the original film and the girls and teachers at the school needed more space to be developed than she could provide in the space of a movie that was primarily not

I finally saw Wonder Woman. It was very good, and, considering the story, very cleverly set in WWI rather than WWII. (I am not a big comic book guy so I don't know if this is the same as the comic books or just for the film). Definitely the best "serious" superhero movie I've seen since the Christian Bale Batman

*Waits patiently for musical adaptation of MobyDick

From what I can tell, he may be slightly to the right of your average Democrat, though not by much, and certainly not as conservative as other Louisiana Democrats (I'm looking at you, Landrieus). But he's definitely a party man, which on paper should make him very hard for a southern Republican to get along with.

Maybe, although that's honestly how I expect them to act in public. Carville seems like a jovial, entertaining guy who is the life of the party and full of great stories, and Matalin seems like she just does not like people. Nothing is necessarily wrong with either personality – if I was famous, I would definitely

Clearly, James Carville and Mary Matalin need to start offering couples therapy.

Did you get a tent A/C unit from Skymall?

I am definitely looking forward to this. 13th was great.

But I don't wanna be a pirate!

I wouldn't call it a craft brewery, really. It's independent, but it produces on an enormous scale.

From what I've heard about him, I like Garcetti, but do Angelenos really produce so much trash that it needs to be picked up twice a week?

nah, but barnacles are way cool, though

It's not good, but it's so cheap that it blows comparably priced beers out of the water. If I recall correctly, it's only like $2 more for a 30 than Keystone.

Fine. But the analogy still holds if you replace "criminal" with "unethical."

I don't think it is. You can't retro-actively blackmail someone.

Maybe, and because he, or at least his username, have already made the news, his future behavior will have a lower bar to clear so long as it is linked to the same username, at which point, his identity becomes newsworthy.

If it was "common knowledge", then it should have taken less time for you to find some support and paste the links than it took you to write that comment, no?

If Dick Yeungling's irresponsibly dumb political stances were something I'd stop drinking Yeungling over, I would have stopped a long time ago. He was one of the 3 people who actually liked Tom Corbett.

One of the motivating factors, not the only one. It's possible they would refuse to publish his name even it he didn't apologize. It seems to me the most important part of CNN's statement was "because he said he is not going to repeat this ugly behavior on social media again", in other words, he is going to stop