the voice of raisins

she eats clay? WTF?

And how the hell was Viggo Mortensen not in it already?

Yeah, I still felt it was an awkward and unsatisfying way to resolve that conflict, which of all the conflicts in the movie was relatively minor. Especially since she ended up being right. Like she could have been at the film festival at the end or something. Even if Steve had said something like, "Damn. Should

I thought it was nearly perfect, except for how Anne-Marie was written. For the first third of the movie or so, her being topless all the time was kind of a running sight gag, then for the second third she stopped going topless, which was probably good, as her role became more substantial, but there was no

1) Then show me the numbers. 2) Here is a chart that includes the first part of this year. I didn't leave it out to make my point, I just hadn't found one showing long-term trends and the data from the beginning of this year. As you can see when you look at the graphs together, the overall trend hasn't changed. 3)

I heard him live once as an opener at the first Global Citizen concert. He was… not very good.

They both bought shit sandwiches, but didn't expect them to be 6' subs.

Not so! I found one in an old kitchen at my college that had been closed and converted to custodial storage space. In 2013. Granted, the magazines were from the 70s and 80s, but still!

I haven't seen American Gods, but she said on WTF that she basically completely misunderstood the show and her character, although maybe she was just being modest.

That should be even more alarming. He was inspired to shoot a Congresswomen by even less. This is exactly why people should be more careful what they say.

two things

There was a pretty clear parallel drawn between those Congresspeople and hunted game. Even if she'd put targets over their pictures, at least "target" is commonly used in non-violent ways, but she put crosshairs over them. And frankly, people who listen to Sarah Palin already have a tenuous grasp on reality, it was

He's 80, and she is (surprisingly) 43, so that's a reasonable father/daughter age difference.

Never mind that "neoliberalism" primarily refers to economic, not military policy.

1) We don't know that because we haven't seen most of his tax returns.
2) Unemployment has been declining steadily since 2010 (see graph). Trump has nothing to do with that. 3) Illegal immigration is down because our country has become less appealing. 4) The ban isn't gone, the Supreme Court just granted a partial

Yeah, I like Wilmore, but his show was a mess. I've also come to the conclusion that, as a general rule, panel discussions don't work in half-hour time slots.


"What's on Tonight"

I give his panelists more credit for that than him.

1. Colbert
2. John Oliver
4. Sam Bee
5. Seth Meyers
6. Trevor Noah