the voice of raisins

I would say that's true of Dawn and Stacey, Reggie, Jenny, and to some extent Arthie, but I think rounding out all of those characters would really bog down the show. They only had 10 episodes, after all.


Winner becomes Secretary General of NATO!

It's not a title, his name is Lord.*

Yes, I am now apparently now allowed to dump my extra coal ash slurry directly into my neighbor's well. WHOOPEEE

This will make sense as you watch more episodes, but they needed to round out Ruth's character before Debbie's, otherwise both characters would have wound up pretty flat for the whole show.

Sorry for your loss :(

Yes. Yes I would.

I just finished GLOW. Everyone should watch it.

Just like mutton chops

Apparently, according to Wikipedia, at its peak in 1920, the British Empire covered nearly 24% of the Earth's land area, which is kind of insane. That's about the size of all of N. America and Europe put together.

Manny Mussorgsky

Ooh, got it. Thanks. So they take like a flatbread sort of thing and then wrap stuff up in it.

What do you mean? Isn't dough bread?

It's all about the 'zones!


Better than cottage. That stuff might as well be spoiled yogurt.

That's probably why I don't know. I'm from eastern PA, and for some reason, strombolis and calzones seem to be defined very inconsistently around here.

Isn't that a stromboli? I always forget the difference

That bit about the snow is true, but what I find to be the bigger problem is when snowboarders get off a lift and then plop right down in front of it to strap in, forcing skiers to swerve through a labyrinth of snowboarders in order to get to the trail.