the voice of raisins

There's a reason for that

This is not my beautiful wife! This is not my beautiful squid!

AV Club, I don't mind if you post articles about politics or politics-adjacent figures, but I have a hard time taking them seriously when you describe the same person as a conservative, centrist, hard-line Democrat, and neoliberal within 4 paragraphs.

I like sloppy joes, too, but at least the sauce holds them together a little. Loose meat sandwiches look like they have no structural integrity whatsoever, and are all destined to collapse into a heap of meat crumbles.

Listen, I'm a big fan of regional eccentricities, in food, language, whatever, so the midwest can do what it wants with its beef, but the reason loose-meat sandwiches haven't caught on elsewhere is because they are ridiculous and impractical. The whole point of putting something in a sandwich is to make it easier to

Yeah, the first half of this season is kind of garbage. The completely forgot what made the show interesting in the first few seasons, which was that you knew what Frank is thinking, but not what everyone else is thinking. The writing in the first five or six episodes this season was so sloppy that it's tough to

The reason the Paris Accord is thin is our fault to begin with, though. It could have been a treaty with actual enforcement mechanisms, but Obama new that such a treaty would never be ratified by Congress. That's the reason it was non-binding. We've essentially just told the world, "not only do we not care about

*The demonym's "Mancunian," wankuh.

Eh. They also post every time Morrissey throws a hissy fit, and it's 2017.

How is what Sasse said racist? He's from Nebraska, where everyone is a farmer and only 4.5% of people are black.

Oh, so you've given up on any pretense of coherence?

black bike week is a thing?

LBJ and Nixon were both pretty grumpy.

Wow. You should be far less confident about your understanding of recent history than you are. I reject the idea that you can divide the 21st century into discrete economic periods. That's over-simplistic and more reflective of trends in political ideology regarding the economy than actual long-term economic trends.

Calvin Coolidge

You should think about why you are so comfortable calling me a neoliberal scumbag. I have given no indication of being a neoliberal, nor am I one, and being a neoliberal is not the same thing as being a globalist.

Almost all of our presidents have been grumpy old white guys. Your argument is unconvincing.

The economic period, defined how? Do you mean the tendency toward financial deregulation? Because while that was certainly a big ideological shift, calling it the beginning of an "economic period" is bizarre. Furthermore, if Trump attempting to dismantle both domestic checks on the executive branch and the