the voice of raisins

What are you, some sort of weird pseudo-progressive Trump supporter? And why do you think the road to where we are started with Nixon, and not with Hoover, or Wilson, or Johnson, or Harrison, or Jackson, or Jefferson, or Washington?

that is clearly not the case

He's fine, he's just kind of a nothing character.

Probably not, Thiel is a kook.

He doesn't support Trump, the reason he gave for joining the economic council was: "The more voices of reason that the President hears, the better." Musk seems like kind of a jerk, but his work with green energy is one the best shots we have right now, climate-wise.

AY! No es bueno!

I like Arnie, but he's in the show too much. I want more Denise and Brian's dad, but less Brian. Brian is boring.

Or told Raven or her producers what was going on so that she didn't find out on the air!

It's made pretty clear from the first time we meet Francesca that Dev has romantic feelings for her. Go back and watch that scene in the Italian cafe with the two of them, Pino, and Pino's friend. The way Dev looks at her is way more than platonic.

He also bears a resemblance to Jack Flynt, a Georgia Dixiecrat from GA-6 that Richard Fenno profiled in Home Style and Congress at the Grassroots.

Pursuing him is not the same as using him if she is really interested in Dev. All indications are she actually is interested in Dev, but feels trapped by her relationship. Which is reasonable considering her fiance is at best boring, but leaving him for Dev would also mean leaving the only serious relationship she's

Sure, people have fights, but he just straight-up accused her of taking advantage of his feelings for her own personal gain. Which, if you are considering leaving your fiance for someone, I'd think is kind of a dealbreaker.

Except Dev blew up at Francesca way too aggressively for them winding up together to be even plausible. He blamed his feelings for her on her when his feelings for her developed first, and her feelings for him only got serious when he kept inviting her to hang out. Plus, he apparently convinced her to get

Those would have prevented blight from happening, but while they are ultimately good policy, they would also likely raise real estate prices, hastening the gentrification process. Another way to deal with gentrification would be subsidized public transportation to and from blighted neighborhoods, so that people who

Ian McKellan and Patrick Stewart are: Old Friends

I think in the show, he grew up in NYC, but I don't know if they say that explicitly.

Yes, I didn't mean to imply that neoliberals only the only liberals. I actually get very annoyed when people conflate Neoliberalism with liberalism generally. Hell it's not even the only kind of economic liberalism. Keynesians are liberals, too.

It really depends on what kind of liberalism you're talking about, but generally I'd say anyone with authoritarian tendencies who leans left ideologically, particularly on the more extreme end of the socialist spectrum.

Oh yes, I'm aware. I only do it here because American conservatives have backed away from even the basic principles of liberal democracy, and the illiberal leftists in the US are few enough that they are almost never important.

eh. That's not as true as it used to be. The religious right can't stand civil libertarians, who hate neocons, who in turn dislike fiscal libertarians. And truly Trumpian Republicans have no real coherent ideology to speak of apart from disliking brown people. Meanwhile, the far left is stupidly demanding a