the voice of raisins

He may call himself a free speech advocate, but come on. He supports Trump, who has been openly disdainful of 4/5 of the freedoms guaranteed in the 1st amendment, including the freedom of speech, on which the others, and liberal democracy generally, depend.

Joke's on them, Colbert isn't subject to impeachment, he's got lifetime tenure!*

The joke is clearly not that he's sucking Putin's COCK, it's that he is sucking PUTIN'S cock. What we're dealing with is a problem of interpretation, not delivery.

My understanding of the joke was that it would be good for Putin, not necessarily anyone else. Though I suppose it would shut Trump up for a few minutes.

Soprano Sax: A clarinet that is easier to play, with a smaller range. Basically, a recorder with keys.

After being president he served 17 years in the House!

I imagine it like Louie, but sadder and with a less sympathetic protagonist.

Either he doesn't know, or he is so bad at communicating his own thoughts that people get the impression he doesn't know when he really does.

It's tough to compare them, but they were both very good.

I mean, yeah. Hitler only became Hitler because he couldn't get into art school.

I just want to say here that while I have been frequently underwhelmed by everydayfeminism, this is a very good post, and the author has really thought through a lot of questions that most people talking about these issues seem to avoid.

The resurrection of Generalissimo Francisco Franco.

Primaries are a nightmare to predict. The GOP had 17 candidates at one point, each state had different rules, and anyone can drop out at any time. The generals are easier, but your numbers are still only going to be as good as the polls.

Ok, but you'd still have the underlying problem, though.

I want to be mad at him, but I don't know how I would have handled that disaster, so ¯\_(ツ)_/¯

I am a liberal and would love to work for the government. Too bad I'm a scientist.

I can't imagine how they are going to do this. Having this be anything even resembling a Victorian slum would result in the deaths of at least 1/4 of contestants, not to mention the OSHA violations.

Just to give you an example of how this works in real life: I have cousins who are brothers and whose father is polish-american and whose mother is 3/4 white and 1/4 japanese. The younger brother is very pale, with blond hair and blue eyes. You would never guess that he is part asian. The older brother is clearly

These are really cool stories. It looks like MPR is doing a great job, and hopefully people see journalism like this and decide that it's worth thinking about the impact we have on our surroundings. At least it seems like a good portion of the land in MN is protected or on reservations.

Oh, yes. Not only is it real, it is a live album. Imagine going to a show hoping to hear Karn Evil 9 and Lucky Man only to be treated to a 50-minute prog rock version of a Mussorgsky suite.