the voice of raisins

Wow, that sounds beautiful. I'm more of a fish ecologist, but have had an interest in bogs since working at a scout camp with a beaver pond that was becoming a bog. That one was spring fed, and in the summer it had a really neat thermal gradient so that the upper end had typical bog vegetation and the warmer low end

I don't speak Welsh

They really are amazing ecosystems, and I can tell you that luckily the loss of your tamaracks, while sad, probably won't cause any harm to your bog as an ecosystem. In fact, it may even stick around for longer without the trees. Assuming you have a raised bog or a quaking bog, it formed by the growth of floating

As far as I can tell, the impact of the whisky industry on peat bogs is pretty minor, relative to the harvesting of peat for fuel, soil supplements, and the draining of bogs to create agricultural land.

You blocked Putin? That's bold

I wonder how his audience will respond to O'Reilly shilling for MeUndies.

long drives, monotonous work that doesn't require thinking

I just want to say that as cool as bog bodies are, bogs themselves are totally badass, are huge carbon sinks, and are under threat globally from the peat farming industry. So if you are a gardener, please try to avoid using peat / sphagnum moss if possible.

Fun Fact: Nonmammalian tetrapods don't have hard palates separating their respiratory system from their oral cavity, meaning that in order to chew, they would have to stop breathing.

I want to like this. I like the writing style. But his premises that true language (which he describes as "one thing being another thing") is exclusive to humans, and that language has no evolutionary benefit, are both hogwash.

Nah, man. This is the S&G track Yes was made to cover.

Listen, it was reasonable for the mid-19th century. I mean, people bought into phrenology until Andrew Johnson proved its practitioners terribly misguided.

So, uh, is anyone else paying attention to the GA-6 results?

Will you consume the bottle, or just the wine in it?

Wow, that's some serious commitment to…something.

Huh? Did you stuff your couch with cans?

So you're saying you would be open to eating pill bugs?

Emma Watson?

"…failure is not an option."

A criminally underused word if there ever was one