the voice of raisins

They're about eight where I currently am in SE Virginia, and ten where I'm from in PA.

Te already means "your" (informal object of a verb)


I think DAMN. is awesome, but 3/4 of the tracks have this weird quality to them that I've been noticing more and more in hip hop. It's like a sort of weary moodiness that is basically the audio version of how you feel right before you get the spins, and it makes the album unpleasant for me personally to listen as a

I don't know about the relationship between Dominicans and Puerto Ricans, but the Trujillo regime in the Dominican Republic basically worked to define the Dominican national identity as being not Haitian. This resulted in the murders of a whole bunch of Haitians, people with some Haitian background, and people who

Counterpoint: Rush

Maybe you should read more critiques of socialism. You appear to have wholeheartedly embraced its promise in response to the drawbacks of the alternatives, without much critical thought about its own weaknesses, particularly the relative scarcity of proposals for functional democratic frameworks and institutions that

I didn't, except the stray one or two on the AVC. But I also don't think I visit many sites where they typically hung out. I encountered far more condescending Hillary supporters, even in reasonable (relatively) websites' comments, like 538.

The Ukraine is weak!

That is a false narrative. Despite his core staff being smaller, he had a Native outreach director, a Muslim and Arab-American outreach director, and a deputy Latino outreach director, none of which Clinton had.

It actually looks like it's been declining slowly since the mid-80s

I think the press supporting him did a lot of that, especially the Jacobin types, but I don't really recall his campaign pushing any purity tests. It seems like he tries to refrain from referring to opponents in favor of referring to their ideas.

I do remember those stupid articles. I also remember some of his delegate being very emotional when they didn't win the superdelegates, but I think very few of them actually thought they would be able to win him the delegates. Delegates are usually activists and local politicians. They know how things work.

It pretty much can't be. No matter how district lines are drawn, they require following some set of values: compactness, contiguity, political competitiveness, racial/ethnic diversity (which, weirdly can cause minorities to be at a disadvantage), being representative of actual communities, etc. The best we can hope

Against Donald Fucking Trump, who has literally been the butt of jokes about how unqualified he is to be president for longer than I've been alive.

No way did his delegates actually think they were going to win.

Barsanti is misrepresenting what Sanders actually said, though, which was not hypocritical. He basically said, "look, if we run a progressive in Kentucky we are going to lose, so maybe we should run a more conservative Democrat there, because that would still be better than a Republican."

If you click on the link Barsanti put in the article, you will see that he was talking about a hypothetical instance when a single seat is up for grabs in a place like Kentucky, because when a Democratic candidate isn't conservative enough in Kentucky, the Republican wins. The statement had nothing to do with the

Why don't they just play the Guess Who version?

The problem is that what gets shared on social media is everydayfeminism articles written by sophomore sociology majors, not James Baldwin books. The former tend to be deliberately misleading and traffic and incoherent logic that compromise the legitimacy of their goals.