the voice of raisins

[canned laughter]

What corroborating evidence? If you are going to claim a causal relationship between his SNL hosting gig and his election win, you are going to need to come up with some numbers. And are you forgetting that he literally had his own damn TV show? He already had 100% name recognition. There is no reason that hosting

I didn't imply that you said it was the only thing that led to his victory. I objected to your claim that we have significant evidence that it contributed to his victory, which we don't. His appearance on SNL occurred a full year before the general election, and over two months before anyone even voted in the

I'm not sure you know what the phrase "significant evidence" means.

Look, I know you need the likes, but don't encourage and reward the AV Club's behavior, Manny Bothans.

Grinding salt increases the surface area. Despite that quibble about the salt, this was a great piece. Beautifully written.

I know I'm late to this, but I've got to get this out:
The reason you use a salt grinder is that by making the salt grains smaller, you increase the surface area to volume ratio. This causes the salt to dissolve faster on your tongue and produce a stronger flavor with a smaller amount of salt. Literally anyone who

Yeah, if someone tells me they prefer a pronoun other than he or she, I'll respect that, and call them what they want. But all the options that people have come up with are kind of grammatically or aesthetically odd.

To clarify, the new stylebook entry does not allow the use of preferred pronouns to identify non-binary people, just "they" and "their."

Kids are supposed to be morons.

If you beat Trump, I honestly would not care if you sharted yourself regularly.

LBJ's Ghost 2020!

Some of us aren't anuses. There's dozens of us!

Many of them opposed those policies, and petitioned and organized against them. Hell, it took Joe Biden coming out in favor of gay marriage for the White House to openly support it. You are basically assuming that, because your perception of the average white person acts a certain way, all individual white people

I can sympathize with that argument, but then you would never have someone like Elon Musk who can just invest piles of money into designing technologies that can vastly reduce our energy sustainability problems. The barriers to organizing that kind of effort among a bunch of people making 250k/yr would be enormous.

WTF? Do you actually think white liberals are just bummed that Trump makes white people look bad? Maybe don't assume you know what other people are thinking.

That guy in Ice T's band is playing a 3-string bass. I guess that goofy bass-face he is making kept him from being able to handle a 4th string.

You wacky Canucks. Milk comes in cows!

I think I need to see a timeline of when these things started bursting into flame. She would have done herself and the people who work for her a huge disservice (and cost her reputation more than the value of those boards) by hawking the transportation equivalent of a Bluth cornballer.