the voice of raisins

And some random-ass little towns in Alaska and Iceland seem to be punching above their weight.

Let's take 5 different genres and find the craziest way to smash them together!

Maybe, I haven't seen enough of these movies to make a judgement

Apparently the studio pushed for Best Supporting Actress because they thought it would give her a better chance of winning

*This tweet fueled by a well-done steak with ketchup

Figures Hidden Behind Fences

What? I thought Kristofferson's whole persona was a Jeff Bridges impression!

Give it up for Gouvernor Morris on the glass harmonica!

*Begins penning Ben Franklin philly soul musical

Yeah, probably. But elections are expensive, and you never really know who you are going to wind up with, even if you know they'll be a Democrat.

I honestly couldn't even figure out why Ellison wanted the job. Being DNC chair sounds awful, and his district would have to have a special election to replace him.

I hadn't seen it yet. And now I never will. Because you ruined this beautiful piece of art for me in a single sentence. jerk.

Yvan eht nioj

So you're telling me the twist isn't that Danny McBride is an alien?

Fool me once, shame on you.
Fool me twice, shame on me.
Fool me thrice, I'm only pretending to be fooled.

I'm not even on your lawn, you old coot!


I would say that it's very good, it just doesn't really break much new ground as a film. I'd sort of put it in the same category as Apollo 13, but with black women

Good luck finding decent chestnuts this time of year.

Certainly the dark side. That part does nobody any good.