the voice of raisins

Does a rack full of super soakers count?

I can see from here that you have too much blood!

There was some foxfire at the camp I used to work at. It was not bright, and would have been essentially useless as a light source, even in warm weather. But I suppose if you were in an enclosed space in the 1700s, and the alternative was a lantern that would be sucking up your oxygen, it would be your best bet.


Jesus, this Fox News article is poorly written. I can barely follow what they're talking about.

I'm calling BS on that Y axis. There is no way Sam Bee has 2.5 billion viewers.

The chambered nautilus regulates its buoyancy by pumping gas in and out of its shell through a structure called a siphuncle.

I've always said there aren't enough bacon commercials on tv.

[sad trombone]

There aren't many, but Santana is Mexican and Norah Jones is half Indian. Yoko Ono also won with John Lennon, and when George Harrison and Friends won for The Concert for Bangladesh, Ravi Shankar was one of the friends.

Maybe? I dunno. Trump being such a ridiculously implausible president has been such a public joke for so long (e.g. Biff in Back to the Future, that Simpson's episode where Lisa becomes president, Jon Hodgman's Deranged Millionaire character) that I think it kind of just sunk in as a thing, and eventually just

Good Guess! It is Phil Hartman, but on SNL.

Craisins are dumb.

The name of this film has been changed from the old name, Crazy Rich Asians, to Crazy Rich Asians and You. However, adding the phrase "…and You" to the old title does not solve the dilemma as I see it. The root of the problem is the words "crazy rich Asians," which as I said before are confusing. I shall request

I would like to respond to the many letters we have received regarding the name of this film. People are saying that "Crazy Rich Asians" indicates that this is a film about Asians who are rich to a degree that could be considered crazy, when, in fact, what happens is that rich Asians act crazy. I agree that the name

If the past few weeks have taught us anything, it is certainly that we should be more skeptical of fluorescent orange garbage.

Don't blame us for not being able to tell two kinds of dumpster-sludge apart.

Or tinder, depending on your religious and/or political leanings.

Putin prefers his puppets to be in the red