the voice of raisins

The article also mentions Carter Page and Roger Stone as people being investigated by the FBI.

If you have $2 million in jewelry, you might want to consider not having $2 million in jewelry.

I find that Donald Trump is best encapsulated not by words, but by a Gustav Klimt painting entitled "The Prince of Decadence." (His cabinet is depicted at top left.)

Boycott Starbuck! He says we'll never find the whale! Sad!

Maniacal leader attacked by Moby


Elijah Cummings, clearly

*Kid's Choice

I guess that makes two of us. And the report is 110 pages. You'd know that if you even bothered to click on the link. It's right at the top of the page.

Get out of here with that condescending garbage, I have a degree in political science. You just changed the entire thrust of your argument from "we have tons of data showing that gun regs don't do any good" to "we need to study the issue more before we do anything," so no, I'm not going to trust your expertise or

If you are referring to the 2013 report, "Priorities for Research to Reduce the Threat of Firearm-Related Violence," you must have missed this passage. –

It's not awesome, but clearly you are a sociopath.

But in many cases, particularly private sales that don't require background checks, it is possible for convicted violent criminals to easily buy firearms, even though it is illegal.

A state without a monopoly on the legitimate use of force is, by definition, not a state.

In middle school I came in to class one morning to learn that, in a case of mistaken identity, one of my 8th grade classmates had been murdered by someone who knocked on the front door while he was baking cookies with his mother. When I was in high school a 15 year old in a grade lower than me got his hands on a gun

How is making sure violent felons can't get firearms, or making sure people don't have access to weapons that allow you to kill 30 people a minute "inflicting state violence" or "criminalizing people"? Are you just throwing out libertarian buzzwords to see what sticks?

I would argue that is definitely true for most organizations, but not so much for the major American political parties, both of which are enormous, unwieldy, and encompass a large range of ideologies with stark geographical differences, but both of which are controlled mostly by Ivy League educated old people in

She was the nominee mostly because the Democratic primary system is fucked, and most of the superdelegates and party leaders decided they wanted her to win before any regular people voted. That and the only alternative for most voters was a brand new Democrat who calls himself a socialist and who the news media kept

You are mistaking the party with the party leadership. They are not the same thing, and Bill Clinton was never the personification of the Democratic party any more than any other Democratic president has been. If anything, Trump's win should indicate that the Clintons have not been even vaguely representative of the

You realize that the reason we have a second amendment is so that we could quickly raise militias to fight on behalf of the state, correct?