the voice of raisins



I dunno about you, but I wouldn't trust my state legislators with a pair of scissors, let alone the selection of a Senator. In fact, I wouldn't trust anyone who goes to Harrisburg on purpose.

Bing! Bing!


because rivers move.

Oh, I also watched Grizzly Man on Netflix. It was also good, but pretty much the opposite of Hidden Figures.

Saw Hidden Figures this week, and I highly recommend it. Henson, Spencer, and Monae are all delightful, the music was spectacular, and it is an all-around awesome feel-good story.

Doesn't anybody care about the Holding Company anymore?

Well you are. But I'll Wait.

Hell, I'll go just to see them do "Panama."

Speaking of which, I'd like to put my money on both Sargeant and Pepper in the whacky-baby-name pool.

There seem to be lots of Russophilic Nazis these days, though.

May as well throw in Rocky IV while they're at it.

I mean it doesn't really piss me off. Like I said, even if they reinstated the draft, I would be exempt. However, I do think it clearly violates both the letter and the spirit of the Constitution, and if it was reinstated, the government would be opening itself up to valid challenges that would stand a good chance

Do you mean to tell me I've been missing out on delicious, delicious goo all these years?

Ok, but students and their parents do not risk being deprived of life, liberty, or property. Draftees are deprived of their liberty, and possibly their lives, without due process in a criminal case, as the amendment requires. Just because due process is afforded to people in circumstances other than those which

It looks like the parents of special ed students initiate these hearings, not the school, which is analogous to a draftee demanding due process of the military, not merely the military's usual process counting as due process.

But after that, can we use their fur?

Yes Pence is better. While he is probably worse domestic policy-wise, he isn't nearly incompetent enough to do something like completely blowing our relationship with Mexico by accident.