the voice of raisins

It's one of the very few shows that I just can't binge-watch. I love it to death, but I can do maybe 3 episodes at a time before it just hurts.


Oh right. that.

Was I supposed to have stopped liking Chipotle?

Biologist who double majored in polisci here, overpopulation is not a political position. There are simply way too many people, and the way things are going, we are rapidly diminishing our ability to sustain ourselves.

ugh. What a clusterfuck

Yeah, obviously the sex stuff is just stupid, and I don't even pretend to know which if any parts of this story are true. However, the intelligence chiefs briefed Obama and Trump on it, and from what I understand, that doesn't happen unless there is reason to at least take something seriously.

With what we know now, yes he will be a legally legitimate president. If, however, the information that surfaced this week turns out to be accurate, he will have won the presidency by committing treason. And not light treason, either.

If we're goin' down, we're takin' everything else with us! YEEEEE HAAAAWW!!

The Band, "Ophelia"

On a slightly more NBC-related, but still mostly unrelated, note: everyone who wants their head to explode should read this

Further Inside Llewyn Davis

The internet says Carlos Danger is also known as Anthony Wiener. But I can't find his real name.

On the other hand 538's primary endorsement tracker (which awarded 1 point for a congressman, 5 for a senator, and 10 for a governor) had Clinton at 463 points a day before Iowa. Sanders only had 2.

I think you mean as a federal state. Disproportionate representation of rural voters has nothing to do with (small r) republicanism. Anyway, the allocation of delegates to the EC was definitely designed to favor the south, which counted slaves towards its representation while denying them the vote.

yep. Voters, on the whole, are not nearly as smart as most people give them credit for.

His voters may have been wealthier than expected, but not better educated.


Honestly, though, the margins were so narrow, you could blame the weather and not be wrong. I'm not convinced Bernie would have won, but convincing themselves that everyone wanted Hillary before anyone got a chance to vote was incredibly stupid on the part of the DNC.

The bureaucracy can't handle Ƭ̵̬̊