the voice of raisins

You can feel free to understand it that way. I just think this comment is fairly benign, and seems to be getting a weirdly strong response. Anyway, I think there is a clear difference between seeing a movie at an atmosphere-less Regal or Carmike multiplex, than a small, independently-owned theater that shows a

Seems to me like he was talking more about the experience of going to the movies than the actual movies themselves.

Hugh Laurie is in a Hulu(?) show now. I started watching the first little bit of it and from what I saw, it is a huuuuge bummer.

Hormel Black Label Bacon is powered by Duracell, and a small portion of the proceeds may go to The AV Club.

I think CBS has already done that at least twice.

It seems like if incapacitating guilt was the goal, Google should have made them Catholic.

Ok, Google, I get why you made robots. But why did you make religious robots?

I mean, Trump is sort of like Christie times 1,000.

Tough love doesn't really work if employing it means you lose elections

She talked to them the same way she talked to everyone else, like a robot trying to convince them she was human.

That speech would work in Jersey. In fact, I'm pretty sure that's how Christie got elected.

In most cases, I wouldn't mind knowing more about where an artist's head was at when s/he created a work, but if they need to explain what a work is about that tells me that it isn't communicating effectively on its own. Instead of saying anything interesting, artists' statements tend to just be pretentious

Yeah! I especially love his landscapes from that period. Everything looks so elastic and mushy, but still had the appearance of depth that he kind of lost the ability to depict towards the end of his life at Auver. The wheat field series is awesome, and "Olive Trees in a Mountainous Landscape" is one of my favorite

That's why his best paintings (other than The Potato Eaters) are the ones he made while he was in a mental hospital.

*Cue Jeopardy theme in minor key played on bassoon and theremin.*

My philosophy on art is that if it needs to be explained by an artist statement, it isn't doing its job.

At least they got him to ditch the shoulder pads

Don't you dare talk that way about Glenn "Hurricane" Schwartz!

I hope Aasif Mandvi keeps that moustache

Not to mention "colonialism" as it is practiced now is more often imposed by non-state actors, specifically businesses attempting to homogenize their markets, than it is practiced by the states they represent.