the voice of raisins

but maybe…

If I remember correctly, Amy is a neuroscientist and is constantly condescended to by Sheldon, a theoretical physicist whose work probably requires oodles more grant money despite having no conceivable practical purpose.

I think it did deliberately set it up that she could be unreliable in the early episodes, but I only picked up on that because I read the beginning of this review before I finished the series. OA said that Nancy and Abel didn't believe her when she was little so they put her on meds, she convincingly lied to the

In my theatre, there was a tiny little fiber stuck on the projector that shook back and forth for the whole movie.

From what I understand, and I'm definitely not an expert so this could very easily be wrong, "transexual" has fallen out of favor because being trans doesn't necessarily have anything to do with your sexuality. Although I think you are right that there is a serious logical conflict between the conception of gender as

2 things!

Also, this change seems to me like the documentary has been modified from what could have been a confrontational wake-up call to a lot of centrist viewers who weren't expecting it, to a show designed to preach to the choir, and will as a consequence be essentially inert, instead of producing a substantive response to

"Lovely weather we're having," might actually work great if the weather we're having is garbage, because that's an interesting thing to say, rather than meaningless small talk.

You know, he addressed that directly in Before the Flood.

A salmon changed the weather?

I have had a weird impulse to build things out of boiled beans. That can't be a good sign.

Tomi Lahren is on the Blaze, so still kind of Beck.

honestly, I'd watch the hell out of that

They can't charge a man and his meth for the same crime.

If anything, this makes the process of acquiring information more liberal, because you can still see all of it, but also actually tell if it's maybe not true.

I'm pretty sure this only counts as a single entendre.

I could go for a Dank Calzone

don't make me throw these tomatoes!

That first video may have been the most early 60s thing I have ever seen

You know, deep earhole privilege.