the voice of raisins

Brooklyn is pretty great, though

I'm scared, too. I probably won't be directly hurt by the Trump presidency, as a straight white dude, but I have a lot of LGBT and immigrant friends, some of whom are here on visas. It's pretty clear that Trump isn't taking this shit seriously, though, so I'm really more afraid of the goons who voted for him than a

I've been to Whitby Abbey! It's pretty freakin' cool, and this picture is neat, but doesn't do it justice.

At this point I think he is trying to stack his administration with people whose actions will force him to resign in the shortest time possible

Well, there is this. I'm pretty sure we're toast.

It didn't mean much with Trump as her opponent. The man is a walking conflict of interest.

Dammit, not again

No, I am a dog person.

I would also like to declare my candidacy. I am an American who can do a mediocre English accent. I also have no acting experience, very little gravitas, and am decent looking, but with a somewhat mushy body.

Sounds like the moderator is Irish

I agree with you, but the "every living Republican president" argument is kind of iffy, considering that is only two guys who are father and son.

Clearly, it doesn't really matter if we outnumber them, because the area they live in covers the vast majority of America. So liberals, if we want to get anything done at the national level, are going to have to talk to these people and actual make a real effort to figure out why they are willing to vote for someone

But football in the groin has a football in the groin!

In related news, Britons finally stop trying to be taken seriously.

I don't mind him

Sorry, It wasn't a particularly good joke

*Jake Tapper immediately pens letter to FCC*

Actually, his sexiness density is not so far outside the norm. His total sexiness is only so large because of his huge volume.

"Folks, as our president, Justice John Roberts F Kennedy once said [glances down at script], 'Don't ask what other people can do. Ask how you can keep people out of your country.'"

too soon