the voice of raisins

Ok, I'm on board

Did you see Clinton anywhere?

Yeah, honestly though, I blame just about everybody.

Bernie was trying to get those votes, significantly less ham-fistedly than Clinton, and actually won over young people of color quite handily.

It's two vowels!

Sure, but he also cornered Loretta Lynch on her plane, presumably to discuss the FBI investigation, and made a gaff about the ACA that Trump's camp made a lot of hay over.

Why? Then you've at least got a vowel, and both options, on the end.

Wouldn't "latin@" make more sense?

You could just as easily blame Donna Brazile, or Debbie Wasserman-Schultz, or Jill Stein, or hell even Bill Clinton for her loss. Blaming Bernie or Bust people instead of actual serious people who knew what they were doing (maybe not applicable in Stein's case) is kind of absurd.

What do you think the odds of her winning that, or getting a job in tv afterwards, would be?

She didn't have much power in that situation. She probably would have been canned. And why let Trump have control over whether or not you get canned?

Of course!

President Huckster

Someone should organize a meta-cancellation league, in which we bet on who will do the worst in the regular cancellation league.

Progressive ≠ Liberal

Afford those buttons? Steve Harvey uses buttons as currency. He buys money with buttons.

I think Trump is "ugly friending" his cabinet to try to make himself look better.

Two things.

Whatever floats yer boat. My account seems to be ok now, but who knows how long that'll last

Treating Trump like a threat got us hear in the first place. Now he actually is a threat, which could maybe have been avoided by treating him as a joke.