the voice of raisins

I don't know who is responsible for this, but thanks for restoring my access to my old AVC account, which Trump had apparently revoked immediately upon becoming president-elect.

I'm not outraged. I was being serious. Watching the Cubs win the series is way more important than learning how to multiply fractions or whatever.

How could a dude who calls himself Alex Lifeson be into Ayn Rand? Something does not add up here.

That's fine if you're in NY or someplace that is going to be a blowout. Get your 3rd party to 5% if you can, although getting the libertarians across the funding threshold would be better in the long run, if you're a lefty. But if you live in a state that is going to be reasonably close, voting 3rd party this cycle

No matter the result on election day, we can at least find some tiny solace in the fact that, in America, watching a baseball game is a totally valid excuse for being late to school. What a wonderful country.


Have you listened to Jill Stein talk? I've listened to her speak for probably a total of 30 minutes and still haven't heard her finish a sentence. She just rambles, man. She's got no plans.

That's a silly argument. Clinton is hawkish for sure, but she is not the Democratic Party personified, and Trump's whole campaign is predicated on an explicitly militaristic understanding of "strength." He's basically a classic "strongman" dictator, but with a trucker hat instead of mirrored shades.

Yet another crushing blow to Chris Christie.

I don't know how applicable this concept is to a candid like Trump, who has such a severely limited vocabulary

It's amazing anyone still plays nuclear football. The potential for injuries is enormous.

They still have Income Disposal.

Isn't Arsenio the black Letterman?

My thoughts exactly

I think you're quite confused

That was not technically a declaration of war, and of dubious legality on a number of fronts. The Senate has only approved a declaration of war on 11 occasions in history.

The last time Congress approved a declaration of war was in 1942.

It's actually quite possible that Trump wins, but Democrats take over the Senate. Because of where Democratic voters are concentrated, she can win the popular vote by quite a bit and still lose the electoral college.

1) Rye bread, with caraway seeds
2) Sharp cheddar

But when will we see Celebrity Homonym?