the voice of raisins

It's a pretty spectacular piece of garbage


A pun thread? Sine me up!

Ok, but can you see why that abrupt turn in the conversation might confuse readers? It's just not really clear what the intent of the strip is.

You are putting words into my mouth and misunderstanding what I am saying. The male character's counter-argument isn't valid either way, but it makes more sense as a response to "this is a sexist trope" than to "these directors are using their Cassandra characters to reflect real-world misogyny." In the same way, "I

1, 2, 3, 4.
4 Dongs!

Because saying that there are male characters who are disbelieved isn't a counter-argument to "some film-makers are acknowledging that women are disbelieved in real life by using Cassandra characters." I'm not saying you're wrong, just that it isn't exactly clear to the reader which argument is being made. And I

I don't mean to be overly critical, but I think having the brother show up at the end kind of scrambles the message, if you intended it to be what you wrote above. It doesn't really make sense for him to argue against Cassandra characters being a sexist trope if that wasn't the initial point being made.

That is true, and it certainly happens a lot in real life. But in the case of horror movies/tv, you're talking about scenarios that you really should be skeptical of, if not entirely disbelieve.

The distinction between the resurrected Jesus and a zombie Jesus is nuanced enough that it would probably not be immediately obvious to most people who are not Christians.

Additionally, in the context of a movie, where the audience knows there really is some danger, it makes the Cassandra character more sympathetic.

The whole argument of this comic is kind of odd. While horror movies have long had a pattern of using sexist tropes, the whole point is usually that the scary element of the movie is implausible. If anyone came up to me and said something like "this house is full of ghosts that are trying to kill us," I would

No religion is really simple enough that nonmembers can absorb its nuances just by virtue of its sheer omnipresence, don't be ridiculous.

Napoleon Bonerparte?

Well, it's pretty douchey to talk shit about people on national tv without discussing the issue with them first.

No, it is you who is mistaken.

brought to you by Duracell

It's really just the owner, who has been an asshole for a long time. He was one of 5 people who liked Tom Corbett.

It's hardly a craft beer. It's only like 2 bucks more for a 30 than keystone light is.

Beer, the name I call my beer.