the voice of raisins


It's not his fault that those loopholes exist, but it is weird that regular people would reward a guy for making them pay more taxes.

Cars are too confusing now. It's all computers

He's wearing clothes if you count those jean shorts that are mostly inside his butt crack

Maybe, but by depriving the government of his taxes, Trump is making the rest of us pay more.

I think it is more than optics, it is ethics. If you want to exploit all the legal tax loopholes you can, fine. But don't run for president. If you want to run shit, then get some skin in the game.

Dammit, Pence sounds like a nutty conservative Garrison Keillor.

It was just amazing that not a single one of them grasped the irony of themselves vaguely criticizing Trump and Clinton for not having any real answers.

Did anyone else see Frank Luntz focus group CBSN just aired? October undecided voters are the world's biggest idiots.

Aw, just two things?

They are all named Justin.

See also: Allen, Tim

I just cut out the middle-man and name all my folders "I plead the 5th"

I once lost half my stream. I blame California's almond farmers.

Clearly you don't remember when you only got to see 4 Netflix movies a month because they had to come through the damn mail, sit around until you had time to watch the movie, and then sit around again until you mailed them back. I do, and it sucked. I don't want to buy a physical copy or haul my ass over to the

He's basically a real-life version of Rodney Dangerfield's character from Caddyshack, except unlikeable.

Edison should clearly be played by Rainn Wilson.


On the other hand, Eddie didn't even make it onto the chart.

Why would Trump have any part of a gentlemens' agreement?