the voice of raisins

Cotton also started out in Howlin' Wolf's band in the early 50s (and was my first ever concert experience when I was 3 years old).

oh. Now I got it.

James Cotton is still alive!

That sounds like a conversation that would end with you needing immediate dental care but still having no coverage.


Well, hopefully the parents are also not twins, so it's really 4 twins and 4 normals in the family, so nobody's outnumbered

I hate these rectangles already, and it's only been a day.

Afghanistam said he was"going to go full PETA" as if that was a step forward for this conversation. And I think not enough people know how awful PETA is.

We aren't allowed to talk about elections anymore.

That Barb Hitler always was a bit of an Enigma.

Seriously, zoos provide really important services for the conservation of endangered animals and ecosystems. Some are better than others, but as a whole they are invaluable.

Which part don't you get?

What is that weird scroll-over box?

First of all, many animals live much longer lives in captivity than in the wild.

And who among us does not weep for carnival goldfish?

Duracell batteries – Now on sale at Amazon.

Having read HW Brand's biography of Grant, it seems like he was a fairly thoughtful and well-respected guy who doesn't really deserve his reputation as a corruption-enabling drunk. Obviously, Johnson royally fucked things up. Do you think Grant would have been able to avoid much of the backlash had Johnson never

of cock

I usually just use a bunch of lines with one period each. Like this:
