the voice of raisins

If I put that on a punch card and run it through a UNIVAC, will anything happen?

That's one magic loogie.

You know The Landing Strip?

You are an awesome teacher.

"Celebrated today with a Brain Bowl. I love the Zombies!"

Surprisingly, it's still a thing.

Pure Genius
Man with a Plan
Dr. Ken

Calvin & Hobbes. Not only do I now understand more of the references and subtle jokes, but as an adult I also have a better understanding of childhood, and how thoughtfully the strip addresses it, than one can as a child.

Dan Savage? Sports writer and the assistant director of digital content for OrlandoMagic.com, Dan Savage?

I think if Blues Traveller is dad-rock, then U2 has to be dad rock.

Wait is a peg more than a notch? Do the notches have pegs? Is a peg a base-notch unit?

Even a blindfolded guy can hit a few holes in one given enough opportunities.

I don't have much to contribute to this conversation, other than that James L. Brooks had some pretty great stories on an episode of WTF a few weeks ago about Kaufman/Clifton when they were working on Taxi.

If you mean the Ken Burns series, it's on Netflix now, and I second the recommendation.

That's true, but I wouldn't really call it a cover-up. Apparently one of the few pictures of him in a wheelchair was published in a 1937 Life magazine, and he ran a resort for people with polio in Warm Springs, Georgia, at which he appeared occasionally, and felt more free to move about comfortably.

It was a pretty open secret.

He just had "run for president" on his bucket list. Having checked that off, he doesn't really need a plan.

How much further is there that he can go?

By "church," do you mean "windowless van"?

How's that?