the voice of raisins

RIP Ass Dan
1981-2009, 2010, 2011, 2016

They talk about this in the podcast, but the usual strategy is targeting a "universe of likely voters": you don't want to waste time and money on people who aren't going to vote anyway ("low propensity voters" in the campaign lingo). With most candidates, targeting unlikely voters would be an absurd proposition, but

He was clearly a genius. But also a slaveowner, so…

All the dialogue is either whispered or screamed, and everything is on fire.

There was an interesting 538 podcast today that was largely about an internal Trump campaign memo that found its way into the hands of Clare Malone (one of 538's politics people), that was from a then newly hired data guy within the campaign. The memo basically outlined the best strategy for Trump as targeting

probably made in china

I think the only Presidents presidents pre-Lincoln who have any shot of being in heaven are the Adamses, and they were both one-termers.

Here's the Venn diagram of AVClub commenters and people who can harm your street cred.

That's what I forgot at the grocery store! Moynihan Face!

Olympics 3D: The Defloatening

You'd probably still wind up in customer service.

I've got it! A permanent, floating Olympics venue. Every few years it could just be shipped off to the new host nation, and in the mean time, the IOC could rent it out for concerts or other international sporting events.

I am not endorsing any discussion of "the nature of man," in fact the opposite. Humans are animals and should not be considered as distinct from them. But you said "It also more or less biologizes a problem originating from our society," implying that society is not itself biological. This is a common belief, and

My working theory is that information just moves too quickly now. Something happens and everyone knows about it immediately, so A) everyone is constantly playing to an audience, and B) every stupid little thing anyone does is hyperscrutinized, and there just isn't space for people to do their jobs properly.

Especially weird since he had Peter Thiel speak at the RNC on his behalf

Things they could have done: Make it more difficult to lease land for oil and gas drilling on federal land, invest in clean energy research and infrastructure (and I don't mean natural gas. Calling NG "clean energy" is bullshit), improve federal vehicle emissions standards, increase funding for public transportation,

People need to stop thinking about biology and society as separate. Animals (including people) evolve social behavior. It's not just something that magically emerged out of people bumping into each other a bunch of times.

How am I supposed to know? You never responded to that record we sent you!

Paging Alien Jesus.

I want to see aliens that reproduce by budding