the voice of raisins

Party on, Captain Wayne!

Trump and Palin are opposite kinds of incomprehensible. Palin speaks entirely in run-ons, with each sentence kind of just flowing into the next. You can tell she lost track of what she was saying, but never exactly when.

Yeah, that's the one! The guy who was a preacher!

Whoa, the bills keep coming, but the stack never gets any bigger

Sam Kinnison?

I will definitely give Obama credit for his expansion of protected areas, and doing what he can through executive action, but the president can only do so much. But it is sad that the biggest environmental accomplishment of Democrats during the Obama years is a weak cap and trade bill that never became a law,

Well, they didn't really do much of importance when they were in the majority, either, and when push comes to shove in Congress, funding for science programs and environmental regulatory agencies are often the first things to go, especially when regulation means losing coal mining or fishing or farming jobs or

I'm a Democrat. But the party's desire to actually help the environment is so flimsy that it can be overridden by virtually any other political impulse.

It's a shame Stein is so unfit for the job, and the Green Party's such a shoddy organization. We could really use a party that actually commits to an environmental platform.

I don't say this lightly, but you are an utter buffoon.

jasoomian does not fall anywhere on the ideological spectrum that the rest of us use.

Yes, it is true that while many angry wackos support Tump, a few do not. What are you getting at?

you are less likely to be bored in the comments to a more recent article

Yes was first eligible in 1994. One year's ballot is no excuse.

Guess Who

All anyone really needs to know about the Rock&Roll Hall of Fame is that KISS is in it, but Yes isn't.

The 80s was a pretty rich decade for melodramatic songcraft

You must've missed this disaster from McDonald's:

He should've expected that when he told Panda Express to stop artificially manipulating its currency.