the voice of raisins

DuPont chemical waste slurry. The smell is not immediately identifiable, and in the long term will likely give you an as of yet undiscovered form of cancer.

Kids didn't make this. Christopher Louie made this.

Tuning in is just common sense.

Done and done!

We don't need your hate. Our self-hatred is sustainably sourced.


Sorry I am getting back to this so late. Anyway, yes some studies are funded by the energy industry. Do any real scientists take them seriously? No. And as a result, they don't tend to be considered important contributions to their fields.

But I've been playing by the rules. Assholes ruin everything.

I'm going to stop short of calling Susan Collins a bigot.

Are you ok?

I buzz about Hamilton, but have only ever listened to it on Spotify, just like pretty much everyone.

Ugh. The whole first half of this article is snark about the media hype over Hamilton, and the whole second half paints all of Miranda's characterizations as one-dimensional, when he clearly went out of his way to make the main characters, including Hamilton, real, complex people. He basically went into the show

That assessment of Jefferson's relationship with Hamilton in the play still isn't accurate. He's not really an antagonist, that, as you note, is Burr. Jefferson got what he wanted in "The Room Where it Happens." He also gained from Washington's decision not to run for a third term, which Hamilton initially opposed.

In addition to being the president of the NY manumission society, Hamilton opposed the passage in the constitution that prevented slavery from being abolished for 20 years. He proposed to the continental congress that they arm slaves to fight in the revolution and subsequently free them. He petitioned the NY

Honestly, this issue is way overblown. It is really easy to tell a biased study from one from a scientist who is "bought," and I'm not as sure about medical studies, but there are relatively few environmental studies funded by energy companies.

I think that even most of the people planning to vote for her don't actually like her, they just like like the idea of a party that stresses environmental politics.

Well shit. I had been operating under the assumption that he was always drunk.

I know this is a controversial opinion, but Obama is the best case I can think of for getting rid of presidential term limits. Not only is he a great president, and generally impressive dude, but if he could keep getting reelected indefinitely, the GOP strategy of just doing nothing until he is out of office would

My favorite Moby Diss track is "Yo Mama (The White Whale)"

Eventually, there will be enough ways to cheat at Pokemon Go that it will be just like a half-assed version of the original game.