the voice of raisins

My experience is that that the ones on the biology side of things are much more fun than the ones on the chemistry and geology side of things, and that the ones who work in academia are more fun than consultants and folks in the public sector. But that's probably not universally true.

I think what he's saying is that those were, at least partly, bottom-up change, not top-down.

Cornhole typically is played using boards, made of plywood or some similar material, with a hole cut in the middle. The board is angled only slightly towards the thrower. Often, some points will be awarded for landing a beanbag on the board, even if it doesn't go through the hole. This differs from the game people

I think it's weird that people talk about political correctness as something that is inherent to the political left. Conservative outrage over cursing or violence on tv or whatever could easily be called political correctness.

From what I understand, the original usage of "identity politics" was pretty neutral.

I still wear a wristband that no longer has words on it, but used to say "Limnology – The Study of Inland Waters."

Third Man's HQ is in Nashville, not Detroit. It was founded in Detroit, but there was no physical location there until after the Nashville facility was established.

It used to be there, but then it was consumed by DJ Roomba

Sure but banana republic levels? Come on.

Generally that would be true, but not necessarily in Arizona. Bernie tended to do pretty well among Native Americans, from what I heard.

Almost certainly two things.

Jill Stein is terrible. But there are no other candidates in the race with strong environmental platforms. I can see how someone who thinks the environment is the most important issue might vote for her, just as a reminder that environmental policy is important.

And maybe Chachi!

They say that because they are making it up

"Oh yeah, those are some steamy lithographs."

Yeah, because Bernie has gotten soooooo much from the party system. Why do you think he needs support from the DNC when he's been winning in VT as an Independent for decades?

"True progressives know that the Clinton and Obama presidencies have brought inequality to Gilded Era, banana-republic levels."

These are mostly delegates, though, right? Most aren't new to this. They should know better.

Sort of:

Ugh. Jacobin has some interesting pieces but has a lot of blindspots and is remarkably un-self-aware. It is quite telling that they named themselves for a group that lasted only five years, ending with the execution of many of its members, and threw France into a chaotic mess of authoritarian regimes that lasted the