the voice of raisins


Small-time offenders don't belong in the clink.

I think Vox is generally not very good, but this article you linked to is truly bizarre. The idea that we should ignore the technicalities of policy and instead all adhere to one of two ideological wings (which it incorrectly claims have coherent world views) is both bizarre and the reason Congressional Republicans

In addition to that talk with John Dickerson, Nate had a similarly delightful and thoughtful conversation with Molly Ball of The Atlantic that I highly recommend. Both interviews are tough to find in full on 538's site, but are posted under 538's videos on facebook.

Godammit, it's like Clinton is actively trying to piss people off.

Per 538, he is almost exactly as liberal as Joe Biden. So no, he's not all that conservative.

Not that I necessarily disagree with your larger point, but your data analysis is disingenuous. The Saturday debates on the Democratic side occurred early in the election season, and there is a general trend of higher viewership earlier on in the season for both the Democrats and the GOP (and it is actually clearer

This just in: Wasserman Schultz Resigns, Sanders has Last Laugh.

Oh, certainly, I didn't mean that as a jab at the masons.

My grandpa was a mason. It seems kind of like adult Boy Scouts.


Three cheers for First Raisin and El Presidente,
The Voice, the delight of all cognoscenti!
He's savvy! He has a prodigious IQ,
and lots of panache, as all raisins do!
In his fancy chapeau, he's a leader with taste!
May his orders be heeded and his views be embraced!

Maybe it was Snowden.

Good. It seems to me like Democrats should also be, you know, democrats.

Missouri is usually considered midwest (at least where I'm from). But yeah, definitely not Kansas.

Kaine seems like the kind of guy who would make a great president but doesn't have a big enough ego to run on his own. In terms of winning the election, he was probably the best pick to win over some undecideds and alienate as few people as possible. That said, I hope Clinton announces some more progressive and

This. It was clear Clinton was the DNC's preferred candidate. Nobody with a head needed some email leak to prove that. But using this as a reason not to vote for her when she is running against Donald Trump is insane.

Earth has a penis. It's called Florida.

I read that in Marc Maron's voice.

I'll second the first 3/4 of that. There are some episodes that are genuinely smart and funny. But most are just too stupid, and too ill-advised or ill-informed to actually say anything.