the voice of raisins

Her brief role as herself smacking Michael Cera into next week in This is the End was pretty great.

There's nobody worse than an Anti-Dentite.

That number seems low.

All weird head shapes matter.

January 20 is Inauguration Day. So you should have plenty of time.

Fun fact: Trump's acceptance speech was the longest since the modern nomination process began in 1972.

I hardly even know 'er!

I'm pretty sure the hole doesn't go anywhere

Have you read Cry, The Beloved Country? If not, you should. I think you'd like it.

I didn't read Love in the Time of Cholera, I read One Hundred Years of Solitude, of which I was a big fan. Whatever you think of his books, he was definitely not a hack.

Does Naked and Afraid not count?

Wait, the first is clearly farts. Farts are hilarious. But I think poop is definitely funnier than pee. Because of the smell, you see.

I think it's a bit of both. I think its points about political organization are important, and it's a good way to get younger readers thinking about them before they can be expected to get a handle on Locke and Hobbes.

I think it is not a great piece of literature, irrespective of its message, but it has left a pretty big cultural footprint, so make of that what you will.

I actually like Catcher a lot, but I've never read those two, so I cannot make any assessment of their quality. However, I do think I should have been forced to read some Gabriel Garcia Marquez at some point.

I know

Well, I wish they'd ditch Gatsby. Pretty much all the criticisms I hear leveled at Catcher can be leveled at Gatsby x100.

On the other hand, good for Fanning for being a child star who has managed to so far avoid going completely of the rails.

Well, that change was almost certainly the result of the whole email thing, which people may forget about entirely before the election if the Trump organization continues to be as sloppy as it is now, and doesn't run any ads about it. The national margin is also meaningless because of the electoral college. And

The writers at 538 though, have repeatedly warned against taking abrupt changes in their model predictions as indicative of how things will wind up in November. That is especially true around convention-time.