the voice of raisins

yup :(

The trust-fund babies tend to be fiscally conservative, but socially moderate or liberal, though. They aren't the ones hoarding guns or yelling outside of abortion clinics, they just don't like taxes.

I dunno about your second point. It is tough for me to see how the GOP as we know it continues to be a dominant force in American politics in the next decade. And it isn't just because of Trump, shifting demographics, and the party trying to mash its increasingly divergent wings into a common institutional

I dunno if that even counts as a kilt. There's no pleats, just a wool tube.

Hear! Hear!


So other folks with pre-Disqus accounts, are we being purged? What is going on? I can see that I have notifications, but when I click on them, they don't show up, and I get told to sign up for Disqus.

I have listened to it, but I didn't mean to say there was no craft to the 3-camera format, just that it is seen as less of a gamble by network execs.

I think it only persisted so long because in the media landscape preceding the balkanization of the last few years, tv execs weren't as willing to take risks on creative (in terms of format) shows like Louie, and that format was relatively low risk.

The only thing a could think of at the beginning was, "It looks like Trump saw the beginning of 2001 and thought, 'That's a good monolith, but it would be even better if it was white and had me inside it.'"

Spicy Brown mustard. Sauerkraut.

Gotta show support for Israel somehow.

1:35:00 – Man approaches condiment stand with two hot dog trays. One contains a dog in a bun. The other contains only an empty bun. Man applies mustard to empty bun. Man removes wiener from second bun, placing it in the tray. After applying mustard, man places frank back in the bun. Another man approaches the

But you're making a joke about how he looks. However you intended it, it's the kind of bs that hurts more people than just the guy it was targeting.

I liked Paul.

The KFC Doubledown of shit sandwiches.


I listened to the first two, and both had sort of interesting stories, but neither had a really strong thesis. So I wound up thinking, "ok, that's great, but why did you tell me all of that?"

That's what you think, and then all of a sudden, WHAM! You get whacked by a goat. That's how they get ya.
