the voice of raisins

And vice president/MP from Funkytown.


Not to mention all of her own campaign merch and slogan say "Hillary" rather than Clinton. I think she opted for going with her first name to seem more personable.

I hear breadfruit's coming back.

I like their new stuff except Turn Blue. I ain't afraid to say it.

He could've said tomatillo.

On the other hand, any show that aired that, even with a bleep, would see its viewership go through the roof. And it would be tough for Trump to throw a fit before it aired because he'd have like 5 hours to generate a public shitstorm without describing what happened.

Sure, I haven't seen that movie since I was about 4, so I don't remember any of it.

Get Rid Of Slimy donaldS

Herringway and Smelthorn

He couldn't pull it off, Fallon can't keep a straight face.

Hey, we said we're good at policy, not strategy.

Ok, late night hosts, here's how you deal with Trump, since you can't seem to figure it out on your own. Invite him on your show. He will show up, regardless of your ratings, because he his a narcissist. When he walks onstage, shake his hand just like any other guest. When he sits down, look directly into his eyes

You'd disenfranchise the Tine Man? What kind of monster are you?

It has all the elements of a classic Trump response: an unverifiable but ostensibly hypocritical claim about the Trump critic, an appeal to ratings/poll numbers, and bragging.

Opposition to it has. I don't see anyone outside the party structures actively working to maintain it.

*Sort of proportionally. The DNC formula results in decreasing proportionality in small states, a la Wyoming. But it is still much better than the GOP system.

Even if they do have more than two "significant" parties they often have fewer than three effective parties (because the third gets a small vote share or is regionally based), and/or a very unstable party system.

If you are a nihilist, why do you care who is president at all?

Thank you, Mr. Chairman, I cede the remainder of my time.