the voice of raisins

I blame the RNC. They changed their delegate rules specifically so that it would be more difficult for candidates to come back from behind.

Well if it lasted until last week, it probably wouldn't be published until December.

The entire Trump candidacy is a performance art piece. Trump is the world's greatest performance artist. That is not a compliment.

Point of order! A two party system is not any ideology, and was not intentional. It is a consequence of a single member district, first-past-the-post electoral system.

But it rhymes!

I think it would also be good to have a designated regular thread, like in WOT, where people can have someone to talk to if they need it. Unfortunately, word may not get out to some of the infrequent commenters, but it would be good to have a centralized place where people know they can talk with someone if that's

Hey, what's this in your freezer behind the Phish Food?

ugh. yup

Whatever they are instead spending on Cars 3.

I think it's supposed to be a parody of TMZ. Which is a tricky thing, because there isn't a lot of overlap in the Venn diagram of "people who understand parody" and "people who pay attention to TMZ."

The late night hosts look so very disappointed with us. Like we just got caught hotboxing the minivan again.

They aren't really a useful wedge issue, because there aren't enough Democrats for whom gun policy is a dealbreaker.

Here's your problem! You've got toooo much blood!

I thought that exchange was fascinating, considering the right has come to use mental health as a diversion from gun restrictions.

There's a huge difference between both Illinois and Delaware and Texas and Wyoming. Regional balancing may not really swing a lot of votes, but it indicates that you are open to a different perspective. You could argue that picking Warren would indicate that she is open to a different perspective, but still, they

You get a tax cut! And you get a tax cut! EVERYBODY gets a tax cut!

No. They do not

I like Warren, but I don't think it will happen. That's a ticket of two white women from adjacent states in the northeast. Not a whole lot of balancing there, other than ideological.

I think the guy in the video said that was the puppeteer/voice guy, not Michu.

*flings poop at Gareth Hughes*