the voice of raisins

Nah, man. He's still got all his banjo shit going on.

Has Bryn Mawr stopped giving out honorary degrees?

Wait, aren't you the guy who shoots a cannon off his roof? You better get up there, it's getting close to 6 o'clock.

It'll never work. Everyone knows the writers for 2 Broke Girls are a bunch of chimps trapped in a room full of typewriters.

Well, I figured the latter sentiment was obvious enough that I didn't need to state it.

I honestly can't even tell. Kirkman said in a later podcast that she didn't mean to accuse anyone of assaulting her, and that she wasn't assaulted at all, she was just relating an anecdote about misogyny in the comedy business. And also that Jezebel and Gawker made a lot of assumptions about what she was talking

Where were they before?

Yeah, but even if they line up, some states allow you to run for your Senate seat and the presidency at the same time. Florida doesn't.

DNRs often set regulations for hunting, but they usually don't actually go out there and cull deer themselves. That is crazy expensive. There are also a lot of people who still hunt for food, which is actually a lot more humane than current farming practices. But because of food safety regulations, you aren't

That is true. I should have mentioned that. And she actually never said Louie's name.

I don't share it, but I respect your opinion of his comedy, although I have the exact opposite impression of him as a person. I've seen most of his stand-up specials and all of Louie, and to me, he comes across as a basically good person who is in wonder of the world around him, but often doesn't know how to interact

He did suggest that. But he could have a lot of different motives. He could be making a joke at Gawker's expense, he could be diverting attention away from Louis, he could be doing it as publicity for himself.

If it is true, we still don't know exactly what it is. The Gawker piece linked to in the article even noted that one of the female comedians in question said that they had their facts wrong, which they published anyway. Fucking Gawker.


It exists, but is not equally powerful.

An equally powerful lobby that pumps money into the campaigns of all the candidates opposed by the NRA.

Remind me never to go hunting with you.

It's going to take the NRA not being a lobbying group for both sportsmen and the gun industry. As a group representing gun owners, it provides a lot of tools, like safety classes and certifications that are actually good things for hunters to have (which is why so many people are NRA members, even though many believe

I'm all on board except for the hunting bit. Since we've more or less wiped out most big predators in north america, deer hunting is both an ecological necessity and important for preventing the spread of emerging vector-borne diseases, like Lyme and Ehrlichiosis.

Some countries have constitutional conventions every so often that are mandated by their constitutions.