the voice of raisins

Me too.

I'm fairly certain he had to step down to run for President. That's a thing in some states.

It might! And I may watch on tv, but I just want to be in the room where it happens.

Well this sucks. Thanks for sharing, beema. E. Buzz Miller was always a pleasure to see around here. Condolences to his family and friends, I'm sure he was even more delightful in person.


I think Diggs will get it. Groff was great, but he didn't really interact with the other characters or need to display much range, meanwhile Diggs played two crucial and wildly different characters. But we'll see.

My high school in the late aughts had very defined groups of goths, metalheads, and skaters/hipsters (before hipsters had become a whole different thing). Our jocks and nerds weren't really distinct, though. There was sort of a jock/nerd continuum.

Ah, the George Washington approach. "Once I'm gone you guys are free to do whatever. Until then, there's tobacco to be planted."

I am skeptical of that, but it's not unbelievable to me. For a few years, at least, the Daily Show/Colbert hour made up 1/6 of Comedy Central's weekday programming because they'd rerun it 3 times the next day, (once in the wee hours of the morning, once around 10 am, and once in the afternoon) before airing the next

It's surely not the coffee. Although now I really want honey from coffee flowers, I don't know if it's even possible, but that sounds delicious.

There is a God. His name is Ted Sarandos, and he's tricked us into somehow making ourselves dumber.

Well, yeah. Don't blame me, I voted for Kodos.

Follow-up research indicates Bob Sagat is an asshole, may be a turd.

It's also a wonder our impressive collective idiocy hasn't yet driven us to extinction.


Just start an account for AVClubQuoteGeneratorQuoteGenerator. Problem solved. Or created. Yada yada two things.

So you're ePiscopalian?

Yes, I get why it is a politically expedient line of reasoning. I was wondering how such an erroneous claim became accepted in the wackosphere in the first place. JMP answered my question.

You must know Ophelia Johnson.

I knew a guy in high school who had a cousin named Mike Hawk. I promise that is true.