the voice of raisins

Maybe my Mom will finally stop watching this now. She never checks the channels with high numbers.

My God, people are dumb.

I mean other than Todd Akin. Like, what is the reasoning behind that idea? Or is there no reasoning, just kind of a weird hunch some guy had that propagated itself?

Wait, why is that a thing people believe? To whom does that makes sense?

Glad to hear she's well now, but I said months. I sure my friend would have much preferred to work within the Canadian system.

It's nearly impossible to write a good bill on the first shot about such a complex issue, especially one that can get enough votes to pass both houses. They had to get enough support to get around a filibuster in the Senate, too, it's not like they just needed a simple majority.

I have a friend here (in the US) who has some weird mast cell disorder, and it took her something like three or four months to get an appointment with a specialist in Boston so she could even get it diagnosed.

well, that certainly paints a picture.

Even if we make it another 500 million years, whatever present-day humans will have evolved into would be completely unrecognizable to us, and most of the knowledge accumulated over the course of history will likely be untransferable to the future people due to an insurmountable language barrier.

What the hell are you talking about? That isn't at all what I think or what I expressed above. I even said this ad is dumb, kind of gross, and should not have been put up first place.

Holy crap. That's incredible. I can't even imagine trying to move that fast. Also, I love all the shots where his opponent takes a swing at him, and he casually ducks out of the way.

Also, the Ali apparently negotiated with Saddam for the release of American prisoners before Desert Storm. What an amazing life he led.

Jesus Fucking Christ

Parkinson's sucks. RIP, Muhammed Ali, you really were the greatest.

You're really stretching here to put what I said into a context that it clearly wasn't meant to be put into. With the Civil War, once there was a war going on, most northerners sided with the Union irrespective of their position on slavery. And the point that both the abolition of slavery and Civil Rights

you too. I also think the poster is dumb, but I guess we can have different responses to the response.

(Note: I couldn't tell how sarcastic you were being, so I responded as though you were being minimally sarcastic and the sarcasm was confined to your final sentence. I apologize if this was not the case.)

If you would finish reading my comment, I anticipate and address the very criticism you make by saying "you can do more than one thing at a time."

Have you ever seen a Disney film? Cinderella was forced into slavery by her stepmother. Cruella deVille wanted to murder puppies to make clothing out of them. Dumbo gets high as a fucking kite and has racist crows. And these are movies people show their kids, most of whom turn out fine, on purpose. Kids are able

Everybody get down! This guy's got a head canon!