the voice of raisins

Nah, Ricky Gervais did it in season one of Louie. Actually, maybe the Andy Daly rule was a consequence of that.

Even those who can't read should be able to figure out that this is a superhero movie from the fact that one of the characters is blue and the other is some sort of muscle-bound alien, and thus deduce the context.

Sucks to your ASMR!

It's a bit wordy. Maybe "useless as a braille iPhone"?

Right Nipple's going for the triple crown, but my money is on 3.

eh. Whichever you prefer, I guess.

What will you care? You won't see'em

Nah, just switch the subtitles to braille.

It's a good thing the GoT music dates this firmly in the 21st century, otherwise I would have been sure it was some bizarre Soviet propaganda designed to inspire industrial workers to increase their productivity.

Empathy and compassion are great, but when they are imposed such that they cause a substantial burden, we should really think carefully about what we are asking for. If Fox had foreseen this issue and made a different ad (which they probably should have), there would be no problem with that, but the online tirade

The words X-MEN APOCALYPSE prominently displayed across the ad should really give you all the context you need.

The PG-13 rating didn't exist until after the original trilogy came out, so it was either PG or R for Ep. IV.

I prefer the follow-up: Cinema 2: The Films That You Will Like.

Yeah! If I wanted to act like a Canadian, I'd move Canada. Now if you'll excuse me, I've got an election to gripe about!

That depends on the scale you are looking at. Nuclear waste is much worse at a local scale, and causes problems more quickly than CO2. Considering that Australia is mostly uninhabited desert, it seems like solar would be a more prudent choice for alternative power than nuclear.

Only $3,500?

But we still don't really know how to get rid of the waste safely. The last time I checked, the containers that nuclear waste is buried in decay faster than the waste itself.

It kinda is, especially if their community is downstream of the proposed mine. That's only about a 45 minute drive on a US highway.

Then shouldn't explaining the danger work better than hitting them?

While I cannot more heartily disagree with that sentiment, I applaud your username/comment synergy.