the voice of raisins

It may work in the short term, but I'm pretty skeptical of any positive effect in the long term other than letting them know that you are willing to use force to enforce your will.

Yes, nothing teaches children to be good people quite like using violence on them to get what you want.

Owls are sneaky. Why do you think their always flying around at night? Owls are some of the sneakiest, most dishonest birds there are. Bad!


It does sound like a joke, doesn't it? It's a real thing, though. The extent of the celebration essentially amounts to putting up a flag if you care to, have a flag, and remember that it is Flag Day.

too sticky

We won't complain, thanks for being the one to hang up. Also, we apologize.

There's also Flag Day, which is kind of similar.

For the record:

My understanding is that that is why he takes his martinis shaken, rather than stirred in the style of fancy drunks.

They somehow got eaten by the weird pop-folk wave that they created. This probably won't be good, but they get way more shit than they deserve.

On the one hand, I agree with you. On the other hand, we need to reprimand Justin Bieber and Skrillex for being Justin Bieber and Skrillex, respectively.

I am 23, and most of this shit in the article is stupid. Why would I follow a a show live-tweeting itself as I watch it? That makes no sense. There are a lot of ways to engage the show with its audience and not just fill the internet with more garbage.

I think I am now legally obligated to sarcastically address you as "comrade."

I think I do remember hearing something about that, and good on them. I like a lot of the individual drivers, and the Andrettis are from around where I grew up, I just get bored watching a whole race. But to each his own.

It isn't the sport's fault. It mostly is the people who market the sports' fault.

The World is Just Fine, Thanks

Dr. No More

dude, it was just a half-assed snark-fart.

Listen, it's a very practical piece of clothing. Look at all that pocket space.